Time: 15: 00 – 16: 00, November 24, 2024
Place: Astor Ballroom1
Prof. Hui Bi, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
Dr. Zhiyang Chen, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Paper ID |
Report Title |
I10169 |
Evaluation and Improvement of Temporal Robustness and Transfer Performance of Surface Soil Moisture Estimated by Machine Learning Regression Algorithms |
I10246 |
Design and Performance Optimization of Missile-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar Target Echo Simulation System |
I10287 |
A Ship Target Calibration Method Based on GRFT |
I10295 |
Grating Lobe Suppression Based on FCN for Through-the-Wall 3D SAR Imaging |
I10439 |
Preliminary Results of UAV-Borne High-Squint SAR Sub-Aperture Imaging |
I10477 |
An Evaluation Method Based on Image Texture and KL Divergence for SAR Image Quantization |
I10506 |
An Anchor-free Method for Aircraft Detection in SAR Images Based on Density Map |
I10613 |
Deformation Inversion Method for Building Structures Based on Cylindrical Aperture Radar Three-Dimensional Imaging |
I10660 |
A Water Body Extraction Network Based on Fusing SAR Images and DEM Data |
I10815 |
SAR Target Data Generation Method with Integrated Scattering Features |
I10848 |
Research on Space-Variant Baseline Error in Micro-Deformation Monitoring Radar |
I10850 |
Study on Array Antenna Radar OFDM-MIMO Three-dimensional Imaging Method |
I20244 |
Fusion of Ascending and Descending Lutan-1 for Building Extraction in Decision Level |
I20304 |
PS Point Selection Based on Phase Stability of Time Series Phase Unwrapping |
I20479 |
LT-1 Differential Tomography: First Results and Comparison between Monostatic and Bistatic Systems |
I30026 |
A Novel Method for Building Extraction Based on CSAR Images |
I30221 |
SAR Aircraft Detection based on Scattering Enhancement and Location Attention network |
I30226 |
Parametric Sparse Representation Based Technique For 2-D SAR Autofocusing |
I30235 |
An Effective Parametric Autofocus Algorithm For Earth-based Radar Astronomical Imaging |
I30311 |
Shallow Sea Bathymetry Mapping from Satellite SAR Observations Using Deep Learning |
I30319 |
Tensor-Based Chaotic Convolutional Neural Network for Remote Sensing Data Classification |
I30355 |
An Imaging Algorithm for High-Squint SAR with Accelerated Trajectory Based on Spectral Regularization and Spectral Fusion |
I30362 |
Less Labeling Burden: A SAR Ship Detection Data Selection Method Based on K-means |
I30368 |
SW-Former: Refined Transformer Models for Multi-Temporal PolSAR |
I30377 |
Fully PolSAR Urban Building Generation via Re-expanding Polarimetric Feature Guided DDPM |
I30416 |
A Time-Series Cross-Calibration Method for SAR Data Using Iterative Robust Linear Regression |
I30419 |
A Recalibration Method for Historical SAR Data Through Inter-Satellite Alignment |
I30421 |
A Wavelet Feature Based SAR Ship Detection Algorithm in Sparse Framework |
I30475 |
Research on Polarization Theory Based on Target Polarization Projection |
I30605 |
Evaluation of Geological Hazard Risk in Xiaojin County with Time Series InSAR Deformation |
I30608 |
Multisource Data Integration of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 for Above Ground Biomass Inversion |
I30677 |
An Improved Range-Doppler Algorithm in High Squint Spaceborne SAR Imaging |
I30741 |
Earth-Based Radar Asteroid 2D Imaging Technology Based on Rotation Measurement |
I30779 |
On the Value of Terrain Classification Using SAR Altimeter Delay Doppler Image |
I30794 |
Non-Local Means Filtering based Landslides Coherence Change Detection for Multitemporal SAR Images |
I30839 |
Performance Limit of Phase Gradient Autofocus Class Method for Synthetic Aperture Radar |